Accordia Life: The Power of IUL
Does your indexed universal life carrier:
– Trace its origins to the beginning of the IUL marketplace?
– Use product designs tested and proven through real market cycles?
– Employ people with firsthand knowledge & experience gained by developing & marketing products that have led the IUL industry?
Accordia Life does. If you’re not working with Accordia Life for your clients’ IUL needs, you may be missing out on the benefits of selling products designed by proven experts who know you, your clients and the IUL market.
Consider the track record of the leading IUL product that was designed by the very people designing Accordia Life products today.
From 2002-2013, Aviva’s Vision Builder IUL policy had solid performance when compared to the S&P 500. Over time, the upside potential and downside protection of IUL can significantly impact your client’s account value growth potential.
Click here to see the S&P 500 Index Return (2002 – 2013)
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